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Planning Board Minutes 04/08/2013
Planning Board
Preliminary Meeting Minutes –
Recorded by Sharon Rossi
April 8, 2013

Members present:  RMarshall, JFletcher, PRenaud, KO’Connell, RWimpory, SChicoine, AMoon.

7:00 p.m. Meeting called to order
RMarshall listed specifics of irregularities concerning the last meeting. He read from the OEP Planning Board Manual.Members may be allowed to participate in meetings by telephone or video conference when physical attendance is not reasonably practical, so long as a quorum is still physically present.”   APatt, feels that we cannot use electronics to create a quorum in a public meeting (though discussions and a vote can be done electronically). Therefore, he suggests that we convene our meeting on April 8th and assure that we have a quorum (not including Kevin and Angelique), and vote to confirm our vote for Kevin and subsequent vote for Angelique. We do not want an illegally created Board making decisions. This action should validate any votes we took after bringing the new members in.

7:10 p.m.  Election of Officers
PRenaud motioned to appoint  AMoon and KO’Connell as members for 1 yr to Planning Board. SChicoine seconded.  Vote unanimous in favor.  They will need to run for election in 2014 for two year terms to complete the term and maintain the stagger of the election cycle.

AMoon and KO’Connell left the meeting to be sworn in.  

PRenaud nominated RMarshall as Chair.  RWimpory seconded.  Vote unanimous in favor.
RMarshall nominated JFletcher as Vice Chair.  PRenaud seconded. Vote unanimous in favor.
PRenaud nominated KO’Connell as Secretary.  JFletcher seconded.  Vote unanimous in favor.

PRenaud motioned to accept the March 11, 2013 meeting minutes as amended on March 25, 2012.  SChicoine seconded.  Vote unanimous in favor.  (SChicoine, PRenaud, RWimpory)

AMoon and KO’Connell returned to the meeting, having been duly appointed and sworn.

7:09 p.m.  Mail Rec’d:
1.      CAI Technologies brochure
2.      DES Newsletter Notice of 5/1/13  meeting Drinking Water and Groundwater      
3.      LGC letter re: Legal Briefs
4.      Transport NH/Going Places notice conferences  
5.      Toadstool Invoice for dictionaries
6.      Greenfield Building Permits 2013 Y-T-D

7:14 p.m. Minutes
PRenaud began reading the March 25, 2012 meeting minutes, ending at 7:23 p.m.  Several spelling, punctuation and replacement of words were done.  No substantive changes were made.  KO’Connell motioned to accept the minutes as amended.  PRenaud seconded.  Vote unanimous in favor.

7:28 p.m.  Adoption of Land Use section and Maps for Master Plan
·       Maps
RMarshall asked the Board to check the color copy of the final draft of the Land Use Maps corrected by Steve W. of SWRPC.  RMarshall asked the Board if we are ready to adopt the Land Use and Development constraint maps. RWimpory motioned to Adopt the Land Use map for inclusion into the Master Plan. PR seconded this motion. Vote was unanimous in favor.

KO’Connell motioned to amend the text box on the lower left side of the Development Constraints map to strike the first sentence, leaving only the second in the box.  The text box will now read “This map shows a graphic representation of impediments to building in the Town of Greenfield. Basemap material provided by GRANIT, SWRPC, and Town records.”
JFletcher seconded.  Vote unanimous in favor.

·       Land Use Section
RMarshall said LMurphy, after a conversation with Aaron Patt that the town is contracted with Keene for Hazardous waste  disposal.  

Page numbering was discussed. AMoon suggested we number by section and page number within each section on the bottom of the page.  It was agreed upon to list by section and page number.

RWimpory asked, “Is the Master Plan to be completed every 10 yrs?”  RMarshall said, “Yes, but we are doing it incrementally to avoid the major cost of doing it all at once. We budget for portions of Master Plan work annually.”

PRenaud motioned to adopt Land Use Section into the Master Plan. JFletcher seconded.  Vote unanimous in favor.

8:20 p.m. Subdivision Regulation, Site Plan Review and Driveway Regulations review
        Subdivison Regulations: Proposed changes
Section 1: No changes made.

Section 2: Agreed to add  “of the Town” to the sentence to read “…the natural scenic beauty of the Town…”

Section III D. Subdivision Review Procedures. PRenaud said, “Add (See Appendix C) at the end of the paragraph.” It was felt that since this was not a substantive change, merely referential, this could be added without going through the public hearing process.
Section VI. Requirements for Completed Application K 5. (Page 9)  PRenaud said to add at end of sentence, “except as described in Appendix A C (2).”  RWimpory motioned to accept PRenaud’s recommendations.  AMoon seconded.    Vote unanimous in favor.

Section V.  Performance Guarantee.  No changes made.

Section VI. General Provisions for the Subdivision of Land.   Following discussion of the need to include reference to the Master Plan, KO’Connell motioned include the following under SectionVI General Provisions for the Subdivision of Land:

“A. The proposal shall meet the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance and other regulations and ordinances of the Town and shall be consistent with the vision and goals of the Master Plan.”
PRenaud seconded.   Vote unanimous in favor. All other subparagraphs, beginning with Character of Land for Subdivision will be re-lettered accordingly.

Section VII.  Administration and Enforcement.  No changes made.

Section X. Definitions.
·       Insert the following: “The definitions contained in the Greenfield Zoning Ordinance, as well as those listed here, shall apply to the Subdivision Regulations. Doubts as to the precise meaning of terms in these definitions, or those that are not found in these definitions, shall be determined by referencing the Merriam Webster Collegiate Dictionary, 11th Edition.”  
·       Eliminate lettering and list alphabetically and add the following sentence:

RMarshall will bring a draft of these final changes of subdivision regulations to next meeting

RMarshall read e-mail concerning driveway regulations from CShaw.  She wants to add “is land in current use?”  Members were in agreement.

        Site Plan Review Regulations-Proposed Changes
Section I. Authority.  Add RSA 674.44 after RSA 674.43.

Section IV. Definitions.  Add the following after the sentence. “Doubts to the precise meaning of terms in these definitions, or those that are not found in these definitions, shall be determined by referencing the Merriam Webster Collegiate Dictionary, 11th Edition.”

Section V. Procedure.  
1.      Joint Hearings add a new sentence to the end of paragraph A 2 to read:  “Applicant may petition two or more land use boards to hold a joint hearing in accordance the RSA 676.2”
2.      Exemptions to Filing a Site Plan review application.  No action
3.      Applications considered for expedited action: Add the following
4.      “The Planning Board may allow for an expedited review of completed Site Plan Review applications. The completed application may be submitted, accepted and acted on at the same meeting provided public notice so indicates.”

Section VI. Developments Having Regional Impact. (Add Appendix C from Subdivision regs) as Appendix A in Site Plan Review/

Section VII.  General Standards and Requirements’  
1.      No changes to Parking and Access or Storm Water Drainage
2.      Change water & sewer reference Section VI. H of subdivision regulation

Section VIII. Submission Requirements.
1.      #12 Lighting - add to the end of the sentence, “which must comply with Zoning Ordinance.”
2.      #15 add to the end of the sentence “…and/or ponds or cisterns”
3.      First sentence of the Site Plan Checklist:   add “current site plan regulations” to read “Check if the site plan complies (yes) or does not comply (no) with the requirements of the current Site Plan Review Regulations.

Sections IX-XVII No Changes

RMarshall introduced a draft of the information brochure for the introductory meeting at the Round-Up Thank You dinner.  He needs volunteers for 6:00 p.m. to help with the social.  We will be introducing the CPG Grant 2 Neighborhood Heritage District initiative at 6:30 p.m. Volunteers are welcomed to help serve sundaes. Also he will be introducing the new members of the Neighborhood Heritage District committee.  

He asked Board members to edit brochure and let him know of any changes as soon as possible so he can finalize the brochure before the April 21 meeting.  

10:50 p.m. Adjournment
PRenaud motioned to adjourn.  KO seconded.   Vote unanimous in favor.